Monday, December 4, 2017

This Country Could Sure Use Another John Anderson

When I learned of the passing of former Illinois Republican Congressman and independent presidential candidate John Anderson, the first thing I thought is that this country could use another of his kind.

After his bid for the 1980 GOP nomination fizzled out, Anderson took the bold step of launching an independent campaign and for awhile Anderson was seen as a viable alternative to an incompetent Jimmy Carter and an ideological Ronald Reagan. However, Carter was shrewd enough not to debate Anderson and let Reagan have him. While honest and principled, Anderson wasn't as effective a communicator as The Gipper. Still, he received nearly 7% of the popular vote.

Of course, the circumstances in 2020 will be far different than in 1980. Instead of an incompetent Democrat in the White House we have an ignorant Republican. Economic conditions will likely be better in 2020 than they were in 1980 with a lower unemployment rate and negligible inflation. But we will still likely face a low employment participation rate and stagnant wages not to mention a declining quality of health care as life expectancy for Americans falls in many parts of the country.

Complicating matters is a President who is more apt to feud with D-list celebrities and peddle conspiracy theories than inspire confidence in his stewardship. On the other side is a rudderless Democratic Party who wear the Clintons as an albatross. Under the circumstances, 2020 may represent the perfect time for Americans to elect a President representing neither party.

But for this to happen will require a person of enormous courage, principles and resources. Any Republican who dares to challenge Trump in a primary is certain not only to lose, but be declared persona non grata by a majority of the conservative movement. Chances are that person will probably be held with equal disdain on The Left.

Notwithstanding these obstacles, if this individual possesses the dignity and fortitude to convince enough of the American electorate that he or she can lead this country better than Trump or the Democrat standard bearer then anything is possible.

Is such a person out there? Could it be a Ben Sasse, a John Kasich or a Jeff Flake or perhaps someone else altogether? If such a person comes forward then such a campaign might be best tribute one could make to John Anderson. R.I.P.

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