Monday, May 27, 2024

My Memorial Day Weekend Reverie, Part VI: Walking Along Mass Ave From Cambridge to Boston & Back With Gazpacho

My Memorial Day Weekend reverie has thus far revolved around a concert, a movie, the installation of an air conditioner, a haircut and the first play I've attended in nearly 8 years.

That's a reasonably full weekend. Yet Memorial Day Weekend would not be complete without quality time spent outdoors. On Sunday afternoon, I engaged in the simple pleasure of walking along Massachusetts Avenue from Cambridge to Boston and back.

This is something I have done for many years. Of course, when I lived in Boston between March 2000 and September 2018, I would walk along Mass Ave from Boston to Cambridge and back. This coming Wednesday, I will have been back in the area for 3 years. Since I now live in Cambridge, that trek has been reversed but is enjoyable just the same. 

However, some perspective is in order. When I first began this trek, I was in my late twenties. I am now in my early fifties. Although in some respects, I am in better shape now than I was then I do feel my age. I have to conserve my energy, pace myself and make sure I drink plenty of water. A cup of lemonade doesn't hurt now and again. I enjoyed some during a short visit to the Mariposa Bakery in Central Square. 

The high yesterday was 77 degrees. Although it was quite warm there was a breeze especially as I crossed the Mass Ave Bridge into Boston. Upon arriving in Boston, I descended onto the Esplanade. I did not walk very far as I settle for the nearest bench and enjoyed a quiet respite lasting just under half an hour. Once the respite ended, I made my way back to the Mass Ave Bridge and found the breeze even more enjoyable. 

Usually when I make my way up Mass Ave, I'll disembark on Quincy Street at the foot of Harvard Square to see if I can find Remy The Humanities Cat. Instead, I turned off on Prospect Street in Central Square and made my way to Whole Foods to see if I could find some gazpacho. 

For those who are unfamiliar with gazpacho, it is a chilled soup which originated in Spain. It is very refreshing after a long walk on a hot summer day even one with a nice breeze. Even more refreshing than a cup of lemonade. 

At first, I didn't see any gazpacho among the soups but then I gazed down and found three quarts and bought all of them. Had I not found them then I would have ventured into Somerville and tried my luck at the Whole Foods on Beacon Street. But this would prove to be unnecessary.

I should mention that the gazpacho recipe at Whole Foods has changed over the years. Their current version of gazpacho is more of a tomato puree. But I usually mix in imitation crab, mushrooms and/or baby corn and make a meal out of it. Still, my favorite gazpacho resides at Zabar's in New York on Broadway between West 80th and West 81st. It comes in three varieties - Homemade, Andalusian and Watermelon. Needless to say, I consumed a great deal of that gazpacho during my time in NYC and will enjoy it again at some point this summer. But the Whole Foods version will do. 

If necessary, I will go to the Daily Table, a non-profit grocery store on Mass Ave near Prospect. In fact, I did so this yesterday, but they did not have any in stock. Although their version is very spicy and requires me to put in the aforementioned garnishments to make it more palatable. 

After exiting Whole Foods, I made my way to Harvard Street which runs parallel to Mass Ave and made my way to Quincy Street. My search for Remy was unsuccessful as it usually is but the pursuit is a joy unto itself.

Before making my way home, I stopped off at the Star Market on Beacon Street for additional provisions. Upon arriving at home, I added some imitation crab to the gazpacho putting a cap on a most pleasant and satisfying afternoon. 

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