Wednesday, May 22, 2024

It Took Only 11 Weeks for Trump to Earn Haley's Vote

When Nikki Haley formally dropped out of the GOP race on March 6th, I asked how long it would be before she endorsed defeated, former President Donald Trump:

Haley declared"It is now up to Donald Trump to earn the votes of those in our party and beyond it who did not support him. And I hope he does that." I think it stands to reason this includes her vote. In which case, it is only a matter of time before Haley endorses Trump. I'm sure she'll endorse by mid-July before the Republican National Convention. Perhaps much sooner. 

Well, it took exactly 11 weeks for Trump to earn Haley's vote with nearly 2 months to spare before the Republican National Convention. During an address before the Hudson Institute in D.C. on Wednesday (an organization she joined the ranks of last month), Haley claimed she would support Trump because he would support our allies and hold our enemies accountable, would secure the border, supports capitalism and freedom and would lower the national debt. For good measure, Haley called President Biden "a catastrophe".

Last I checked it was Trump who said Russia could do whatever the hell it wanted with NATO allies who didn't pay up, put the kibosh on a Republican led border security bill, never met a tariff he didn't love and amassed nearly $8 trillion to the national debt. BTW, the national unemployment rate has been under 4% for the past two years with Biden in the White House. Some catastrophe!!!

And it's not like she made Trump sweat. She made no demands of him. Of course, had she done so Trump would have laughed in her face and insulted her husband. So much for his insults of her husband cutting deep. Like Ted Cruz, Haley's vows to her spouse are superseded by those she's made for Trump.

So, you'll have to forgive me if I don't take Nikki Haley's reasoning for supporting Trump seriously. This is about Haley holding onto a faint hope Trump will name her his VP (despite his recent statements otherwise) or name her his Secretary of State and use this as a launching pad for another White House bid in 2028 or beyond should Trump decide he wants to run again in four years. As for nearly all Republicans, it is Trump before country.

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