Sunday, May 12, 2024

Bad Girls Go to Hell Is One of The Worst Movies I've Ever Seen


Last night I went to the Brattle Theatre to see two movies both of which were loaned to the theatre by a private collector.

The first was a film called Rock 'n Roll Rarities which was largely a collection of coming attractions for several rock 'n roll films from the 1950s and 1960s plus some performances by Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Dave Clark Five and David Bowie. 

The second film was Bad Girls Go to Hell. Written, produced and directed by Dorothy Wishman in 1965, it was one of the worst films I've ever seen. Bad Girls Go to Hell was ostensibly an erotic thriller about a married woman fleeing for New York after killing her rapist only to find more trouble behind every door.

In some respect, Bad Girls Go to Hell was ahead of its time in its depiction of nudity and lesbian romance, but the dialogue just absolutely kills this film. Not only was the dialogue repetitive but the manner in which it was delivered augmented its repetitiveness. The best way that I can describe the dialogue was as if it was dubbed by Chinese speaking actors speaking English in a Bruce Lee film. Needless to say, the dialogue evoked cringe laughter. 

Not helping matters was the jazz score which had all the subtlety of a ballpein hammer. There were some interesting shots of Central Park in black and white, but the main character escapes to New York to be lost in the crowd and yet New York looks like a ghost town. 

Mind you, I wasn't expecting The Sound of Music. But I wish I could say that it was so bad that it was good. What I can say is that is not only is Bad Girls Go to Hell not a B-movie, but there is no letter in the alphabet which could adequately describe how awful it is. Then again, I suppose there are worse things one can do on a Saturday night.

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