Sunday, May 12, 2024

Why I'm Not Counting Out Marjorie Taylor Greene

Although Marjorie Taylor Greene's attempt to oust House Speaker Mike Johnson last week failed spectacularly, I would not be so quick as to make the case that her influence on the Republican Party will decline from here on out.

Back in March, I argued it would be win for Greene even if her bid to oust Johnson failed because she could fundraise off of it and continue to build on her own brand as the champion against the "uniparty" as she puts it. 

What I think is most telling is how defeated, former President Trump is treading lightly around Greene. While he opposed Greene's efforts to oust Johnson, his language on Truth Social was uncharacteristically diplomatic:

I absolutely love Marjorie Taylor Greene. She's got Spirit, she's got Fight, and I believe she'll be around, and on our side, for a long time to come. However, right now, Republicans have to be fighting the Radical Left Democrats, and all the Damage they have done to our Country.

What? No name calling? No "Crazy Marge"? 

Frankly, I think if Trump did call MTG names, she would fight back. 

Besides its only May.

By the summer, Johnson could commit a transgression and Trump might be unwilling to bail him out. If that happens, Marjorie Taylor Greene will smell blood in the water and pounce.  

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