Thursday, June 9, 2022

6 Observations of The January 6th Committee's 1st Nationally Televised Hearing

Back on January 6, 2022, the anniversary of the attempted coup on the U.S. Capitol, I made this observation:

Time is running out for the January 6th Committee because at this time a year from now we could have Republicans controlling both Houses of Congress. If this is the case then January 6, 2023 could turn from a solemn day to one of sordid delight. 

Time is at hand for American democracy. The January 6th Committee must shine a light on the darkness which motivated President Trump and his minions from preventing the peaceful transfer of power and the violence they encouraged and fomented with nationally televised hearings. It may not result in Trump and his minions being held accountable for their actions. After all, the Supreme Court may accede to Trump's request to block the January 6th Committee from accessing his records. But it might give voters, particularly those with independent views, pause from giving Republicans back the reigns of power. If voters do give Republicans the reigns of power then they will never willingly relinquish it even if the electorate declares they have overstayed their welcome.

Now that the first night of hearings have concluded here are six further observations.

1. January 6th Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson and Vice-Chair Liz Cheney

If one were to look at the voting records of the co-chairs of this committee there is going to be a lot more disagreement than agreement. But tonight the two were in simpatico. If one were watching them for the first time you wouldn't know that Thompson is a Democrat and Cheney is a Republican. They are playing it down the middle with Thompson giving the big picture with Cheney laying out the conspiracy set into motion by defeated, former President Trump to overturn the election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power. 

2. Former Attorney General Bill Barr Calls Bullshit on Trump's Election Fraud Claims

The former Attorney General, who gave Trump full cover in the Mueller Report, unequivocally said the defeated former President's claims were "bullshit" during his videotaped deposition. If only Barr had been so candid 18 months ago. Of course, the same can be said of many White House officials whose testimony we will hear in the coming weeks. At least it is on the record now. 

3. Ivanka Trump Accepts Bill Barr's Assessment

The January 6th Committee briefly showed the deposition of the defeated former President's eldest daughter and former White House staff member. Regarding Barr's assessment, Ivanka Trump stated,  “It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Bill Barr. So I accepted what he was saying.”

And what of her respect for her father? Well, when you've lost Ivanka.

4. Defeated Former President Trump Says Mike Pence "Deserves" To Be Hung

When the defeated former President learned that the insurrectionists were chanting "Hang Mike Pence!!!", Trump said of the man who had served him loyally, "Maybe our supporters have the right idea." Trump then added that Pence "deserves" such a fate. 

I'd like to think that such a remark would jolt people out of complacency. But let's remember we are in a country where a critical mass has managed to shrug off the deaths of over a million people to a deadly disease. 

With that said, I would like to think it would be sufficient to stop us from electing such a man to be President of the United States - again.

5. There Are a Lot of Americans Who Would Kill for Donald Trump

The late Supreme Court justice Felix Frankfurter stated in 1958, "The responsibility of those who exercise power in a democratic government is not to reflect inflamed public feeling but to help form its understanding."

Needless to say, defeated former President Trump does not share this view and as a result tens of thousands of Americans descended upon Washington, D.C. prepared to commit mayhem because they believe Donald Trump wanted them too. 

The raw video footage of the attack shot by documentary filmmaker Nick Quested shows people with no regard for the facts when things don't go their way, no regard for law enforcement they claim to love and no regard for life. Some of these people were part of the Proud Boys and others were part of the Oath Keepers. But many more were just people who believed what Donald Trump said was the gospel truth.

Less than 20 years after this country was attacked by al Qaeda how the hell did we come to this country being attacked by our own?

6. The Testimony of Capitol Police Officer Caroline Edwards

The look on her face says it all. This is a woman who has been through hell. Not only will she relive it for the rest of her life due to the brain damage she sustained, but she relived the violence that was visited upon her in front of the whole world. When someone says they were "slipping in people's blood" one might think of a battle out of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan or Iraq, but not Capitol Hill. Nevertheless, Officer Edwards described it as "a war scene". Based on the video, it is hard to describe it as anything else. 


In view of these observations, the question is whether this will galvanize people away from electing a Republican Congress this fall, let alone return Donald Trump to the Oval Office come 2024. Because the GOP has made it clear they only believe in democracy when they win elections.

Should a Republican Congress come to pass despite what the January 6th Committee has unveiled then the January 6th Committee will not only be shuttered, but its members will go from being investigators to being investigated. 

Should a Republican Congress come to pass despite what the January 6th Committee has unveiled then it will demonstrate that Americans don't really care about democracy anymore. In which case, we shall pay a steep price for our lack of care.

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