Monday, June 1, 2020

How Does Setting Fire to a 200-Year Old Church Bring Justice for George Floyd?

When rioters burned down the 3rd precinct of the Minneapolis PD three days ago this was my take:

As for those who were responsible for burning down the 3rd precinct I have only one thing to say.

Congratulations!!! You've just handed Donald Trump a second term and gain Minnesota in the process.

Of course, Trump quoting a segregationist era George Wallace isn't helpful either. Trump is selective in his condemnations as demonstrated in Charlottesville nearly three years ago. But if so-called progressives insist describing the burning of the 3rd precinct as progress then you can be sure people who might be ambivalent about Trump are going to think twice about abandoning him if they believe their homes, businesses and houses of worship could be next.

St. John's was opened in 1816 and every American President since James Madison has been present in its pews. Whatever one thinks of the current President, it does not change the fact that Abraham Lincoln worshiped there and prayed for the end of slavery.

I would welcome any explanation as to how setting fire to a 200-year old church bring justice to George Floyd, much less numerous other African-Americans who have been killed at the hands of various police forces across the country?

All it demonstrates is that these "protesters" only seek destruction as building a better world takes time and effort they are unwilling to give. As a former colleague of mine told me this weekend the violence gives them attention. But what kind of attention? 

So long as this appetite for destruction (to borrow a phrase from Guns 'n Roses) prevails and has not been satiated then when we can expect more churches to be targeted as well as synagogues and mosques to be similarly targeted. If the ends justifies the means then nothing is sacred. And if we are unable to take solace from an angry mob then the people are going to stick with the devil they know. 

In the meantime justice will elude George Floyd no matter how many houses of worship are burned and otherwise desecrated. 

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