Friday, May 29, 2020

The Riots in Minneapolis & Elsewhere is Helpful to No One Except Donald Trump

Like millions of people, earlier this week I was horrified to watch George Floyd in the throes of death at the knee of a Minneapolis police officer and three of his colleagues who have since been dismissed from their jobs.

These former officers must be brought to justice. But given the number of police officers who have gotten away with murder for killing African-Americans it is understandable that many in the African-American community and beyond have little faith in the American justice system.

Yet I cannot comprehend how rioting in Minneapolis and other cities will make things better. How does breaching and burning down the 3rd precinct station of the Minneapolis Police Department bring justice for George Floyd?

Let us also consider that we are still in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic which has claimed more than 100,000 American lives and counting. Nearly a quarter of those deaths are African-American. Given that there hasn't been a lot of social distancing being practiced I think we will be seeing a lot more COVID-19 cases in the African-American community. In this sense these gatherings are every bit as irresponsible as those who stormed the Michigan legislature bearing arms demanding haircuts.

As for those who were responsible for burning down the 3rd precinct I have only one thing to say.

Congratulations!!! You've just handed Donald Trump a second term and gain Minnesota in the process.

Of course, Trump quoting a segregationist era George Wallace isn't helpful either. Trump is selective in his condemnations as demonstrated in Charlottesville nearly three years ago. But if so-called progressives insist describing the burning of the 3rd precinct as progress then you can be sure people who might be ambivalent about Trump are going to think twice about abandoning him if they believe their homes, businesses and houses of worship could be next.

Joe Biden cannot afford to appear to be condoning these riots in any way nor can the Democratic Party. In which case, Biden's best move would be to name Florida Congresswoman and former Orlando PD chief Val Demings as his running mate. If Demings can demonstrate the ability to balance law and order with civil rights then perhaps there is hope. But this is far from guaranteed.

The riots in Minneapolis and elsewhere help Donald Trump because he thrives on fear and anyone who praises the burning the of the 3rd precinct is handing him ammunition that he will be more than happy to use because he knows there are enough voters who will answer his call to arms.

Let me reiterate that those former Minneapolis police officers responsible for George Floyd's death ought to go to prison. The Minneapolis PD also did not cover itself in glory last night by arresting a CNN reporter and his crew. But that does not change the fact that these riots are destructive and will not solve anything. If Trump is re-elected in November and takes Minnesota with him those who burned down the 3rd precinct will have only themselves to blame.

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