Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Trump Aims His Cruelty Towards a Man Laying in a Hospital Bed

What I dislike most of all about Donald Trump is his cruelty and it is a quality I have disliked long before he entered the political arena.

There were those who thought Trump would turn a new leaf once in the Oval Office. Instead, with every passing day in office the dead leaves gather as Trump becomes crueler and derives pleasure in doing so. With few exceptions, Republicans either reinforce this behavior or look the other way.

This morning President Trump turned his cruel attention towards Martin Gugino, the man who was assaulted by two Buffalo police officers last week and remains hospitalized as a result of the assault:

Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment. @OANN I watched, he fell harder than he was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?

Trump acknowledges that Gugino was pushed and shoved but excuses the behavior of the Buffalo PD by claiming Gugino "could be an ANTIFA provacateur". He then engaged in a bizarre conspiracy theory about Gugino trying to scan police communications before proceeding to minimize Gugino's injuries for which he remains hospitalized.

The facts are simple. Two Buffalo police officers shoved Gugino and he hit his head on the ground resulting in him bleeding out his ears. Instead of coming to his aid, the police officers walked past Gugino as he laid motionless on the ground. The Buffalo PD then lied about the incident claiming Gugino had tripped until video evidence exposed their lie. The two officers who shoved Gugino have been charged with felonious assault. Nothing Gugino did warranted the two Buffalo police officers to engage in violent behavior against him.

None of these facts are in dispute. Yet the President of the United States chooses not to show any compassion towards Gugino. Instead, he chooses to gaslight a man laying in a hospital bed who cannot defend himself.

If Trump were a disciplined, rational human being he would focus his attention on the Minneapolis City Council's foolish intention to disband its police department. This is a matter which warrants public discussion and is a subject the President of the United States can effectively use his bully pulpit. But Trump just prefers to bully. 

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