Thursday, June 25, 2020

Thoughts on Fiorina Endorsing Biden

In an interview with The Ticket, former GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina told Edward-Isaac Dovere that she "can't support Donald Trump" and will vote for Joe Biden in November. Fiorina called Biden "a person of humility and empathy and character."

Although Trump famously derided Fiorina's physical appearance during the 2016 campaign, she did end up voting for Trump.

Chances are she will remain an aberration among the 2016 GOP field. Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie, Ben Carson, Rick Perry, Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham and Scott Walker have all become Trump sychopants.

I think it is fairly safe to assume that John Kasich won't vote for Trump. He didn't vote for him much less attend the GOP Convention which was held in the state he was governing at the time. Kasich supported the impeachment proceedings against Trump earlier this year. The question is whether Kasich will publicly endorse Biden as Fiorina has done or if he will pull a John Bolton and write in a Republican. (Kasich wrote in John McCain in 2016).

Then there is Jeb Bush who is very much on the fence. While I wouldn't be surprised if Bush didn't voe for Trump it would be a shock if he were to endorse Biden. His son George P. Bush who is the Texas Land Commissioner and is eyeing the governor's mansion like his uncle. As such the younger Bush has been a strong supporter of Trump. The love of his son might outweigh the love of his country. But if Jeb Bush (or any Bush for that matter) were to endorse Biden that would send shock waves.

I suspect however that Fiorina will be an outlier in the GOP. Trump has mocked her choice as one would expect ("Failed presidential candidate" who "lost so badly to me twice in one campaign, that she should be voting for Joe") and the GOP is falling in line so I doubt this will cause further GOP defections. But it could make an impression on independent voters.

Then again this also should have made an impression on independent voters. Sometimes rebukes are long overdue but revenge is a dish best served cold.

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