Friday, June 26, 2020

Pence is a Putz

The White House Coronavirus Task Force had its first public press conference in two months with Vice-President Mike Pence at the helm.

Judging by today's performance Pence might soon walk the plank.

Pence did three things to further damage the Trump Administration's already tattered reputation on COVID-19.

First, he claimed the administration had flattened the curve making "truly remarkable progress" despite a recent surge of COVID-19 cases in states such as California, Texas, Florida and Arizona which cannot be explained by increased testing alone. Yesterday alone saw nearly 40,000 new COVID-19 cases - a single day record. Right there alone very few people are going to believe anything Pence says anymore. Most will tune him out as have already tuned out Trump.

Second, Pence did not wear a mask nor did he urge all Americans to wear a mask. It is worth noting all other members of the task force wore theirs including Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Birx. You would have thought not wearing a mask at the Mayo Clinic at the end of April would have humbled him. A few days later, Pence said he should have worn a mask. But I guess wearing a mask would have incurred the wrath of President Trump. So better to come down with COVID-19 than be dressed down by Trump. If Trump is prepared to tell reporters they are being politically correct for wearing a mask why wouldn't he admonished his number two for the same?

Third, Pence defended President Trump's recent rallies in Tulsa and Phoenix where few masks were worn and where two Secret Service agents tested positive for COVID-19. Pence claimed that we "don't forfeit our constitutional rights" even during a pandemic. So what about the constitutional rights of those peacefully assembling in Lafayette Square before they were tear gassed so Trump could wield a Bible as if it were a weapon? Now I think it is a bad idea to have large public gatherings - be it for Black Lives Matter or for Trump. But Pence can't have it both ways.

Based on the above I can only arrive at the conclusion that Pence is a putz. He did nothing today to inspire the confidence of Americans in the Trump Administration's response to COVID-19 nor did he slow the descent of a sinking ship. I wonder if Trump will come to the same conclusion and kick Pence off the ticket. If that is the case then Trump should kick himself off the ticket as well. But this is Trump we are talking about. Trump is the naked emperor admiring his clothes.

Make no mistake. Today was a bad day for Mike Pence. Unfortunately, it was even worse day all Americans who were diagnosed with COVID-19 with many thousands more joining their ranks by the day.

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