Thursday, March 5, 2020

Elizabeth Warren's Fate Was Sealed The Moment AOC Endorsed Bernie

For once I agree with something Elizabeth Warren is doing - she is dropping out of the presidential race.

Six months ago, Warren appeared to be the frontrunner. I remember the rally she had at Washington Square Park. I didn't attend, but I saw the build up. It was my birthday and had the day off and made a point of checking out the scene. She had a reasonable chance to become the Democratic nominee. But then people read the fine print. As it turned out she didn't have a plan for everything namely Medicare For All. Then she had multiple plans none of which added up.

But I think the key turning point against Warren was when AOC endorsed Bernie Sanders. I honestly thought AOC would endorse Warren, but Sanders' campaign took off when she endorsed him in mid-October and Warren never regained her footing. Bernie Sanders is many things, but he's not someone who would claim a woman couldn't be elected President. Warren's claim utterly reeked of desperation.

The writing was surely on the wall when Warren couldn't break 10% in the neighboring state of New Hampshire. A third place finish in Massachusetts was the nail in the coffin.

I'm sure Warren will be discussed as a possible VP, but I think Biden would be foolish to pick her. In any case, Biden would be far better served by someone like Stacey Abrams.

As for Warren, she can resume her duties in the Senate. After all it is what the people of Massachusetts want of her.

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