Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Trudeau Claims U.S. Bears Some Responsibility For Downed Ukrainian Airliner; I Say Rubbish

In an interview with Global News, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau claimed the United States was partially to blame for the downing of Ukrainian International Airlines Flight 752 which killed all 176 passengers and crew aboard including 63 Canadians:

If there were no tensions, if there was no escalation recently in the region, those Canadians would be right now home with their families.

Absolute rubbish.

The responsibility for the deaths of those aboard the ill-fated flight lies with Iran alone. After all, Iran lied about its involvement until incontrovertible evidence forced them to claim it was accident, a claim about which I find dubious. It also must be remembered that Iran's civil aviation authority did not see fit to ground passenger flights thus making it liable for the incident. Had Iran grounded that flight those Canadians would be right now home with their families.

Not only is Trudeau wrong in his assessment, but in so doing he is putting the United States and the terrorist regime in Iran on the same moral plane. This in part represents Trudeau's world view and in part represents his personal dislike for President Trump. It isn't to say one cannot be critical of Trump's foreign policy but to blame the U.S. for a civilian airliner shot down by Iran is to minimize Iran's act and the evil nature of its regime whose people are now demonstrating against.

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