Friday, January 17, 2020

If Jews Can't Trust The NYPD Then Who Can We Trust?

Despite the "No Hate, No Fear" March less than two weeks ago, anti-Semitic incidents in New York City continue unabated. However, in one such incident, the perpetrator is alleged to be a NYPD police officer.

After a Shabbat service last Friday night in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Boro Park, a Hasidic father and son were confronted by a NYPD police officer driving his squad car. The officer rolled down his window and yelled “you fu–in’ Jews”, laughed and sped off.

It's bad enough when common street thugs feel free to accost Jews, but it is far more ominous when it is done by someone carrying a badge. After all, police officers swear uphold to protect and serve the public. And most police officers carry out that oath in good faith. Indeed, with anti-Semitism the ominous force that it is, the NYPD are a constant presence outside synagogues and Jewish community centers throughout the city. One can only hope this is an isolated incident. But should other police officers engage in anti-Semitic behavior while on duty then how Jews be expected to trust the NYPD? And if we can't trust the NYPD then who can we trust?

I'm well aware that other communities, namely African-Americans and Latinos, have had well documented problems with the NYPD and other police forces across the country. Some might argue that we are getting a taste of what they have felt for decades. With that being said, when Jews are singled out for mistreatment by the authorities it is a warning that instability and upheaval are ahead. When things are bad for Jews they will soon be bad for everyone.

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