Thursday, August 13, 2020

Trump Treats USPS Like It's One of His Properties

When President Trump tells us that he opposes additional funding for the United States Postal Service because he wants to prevent mail in voting he is telling us that USPS is just another one of his properties instead of something which belongs to all Americans.

The mail boxes being removed from the streets and sorting machines being removed from USPS facilities while nearly tripling the cost of delivering mail in ballots is being done for no other reason than the personal self interest of Donald J. Trump - namely to prevent his deserved defeat at the polls in November. If it means people don't get their medications during a pandemic then, as Trump says, "it is what it is." If the deaths of 165,000 plus Americans in the past six months hasn't moved Trump now the deaths of a few more people aren't going to move him either. 

Where does the Trump Organization end and the White House begin? Whether it was making Vice-President Pence stay at a Trump property in Ireland nearly 200 miles away from his stated business, getting trademarks for himself and daughter Ivanka from China or demanding the Department of Energy change its regulations on shower heads to produce more gallons per water per minute so he can have perfect hair, the office of President of the United States is nothing more than a tool for Trump's own enrichment. Why should USPS be any different?

Well, most of us will never visit a Trump property, obtain a trademark from the Chinese government or demand a government regulation be changed for light and transient causes. But all of us use USPS. In which case Trump is trespassing on our property, preventing us from sending and receiving good and services and depriving us of a secure method of exercising our right to vote in the middle of the worst pandemic in over a century. 

Donald Trump is taking something that does not belong to him. He is treading on us. If Trump persists in damaging the United States Postal Service for his own personal ends then he shall receive a receive a letter from American voters - a scarlet letter for which he will pay postage due.

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