Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Mahmoud Abbas Claims Israel is Responsible For "50 Holocausts" on German Soil

During a joint press conference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz yesterday in Berlin, Mahmoud Abbas was asked if the Palestinian Authority was prepared to apologize for the terrorist attack which claimed the lives of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympics, the 50th anniversary of the which is next month. Not only did Abbas not apologize, he accused Israel of committing "50 Holocausts":
From 1947 to the present day, Israel has committed 50 massacres in Palestinian villages and cities, 50 massacres, 50 Holocausts, and until today, and every day there are casualties killed by the Israeli military.

After a swift backlash against Abbas and Scholz (who did not immediately condemn Abbas' statement), Abbas issued a press release in which he claimed his reference "was not intended to deny the specificity of the Holocaust" but of "the massacres committed against the Palestinian people since the Nakba by Israeli forces, crimes that have not stopped to this day." His statement is little more than sleight of hand which still has the effect of equating Israel to Nazi Germany. 

This is after all a man whose academic pursuits revolved around Holocaust denial. Of course, Abbas isn't going to apologize for the Munich Massacre. He's the man who financed it

Mahmoud Abbas is 87 years old. His views aren't going to change. His claim to the presidency of the Palestinian Authority also expired 13 years ago. Why does anyone treat him with an ounce of legitimacy much like French President Emmanuel Macron did last month? Perhaps the alternatives are worse. But if the world wants to seek a genuine peace between Israel and the Palestinian Authority then Abbas must depart the world stage and never open his filthy mouth again.

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