Thursday, December 30, 2021

Why I'm Not Convinced The Anti-Vaxxers Have Abandoned Trump

Over the past week or so, former President Trump has been taken to task by some of his allies over his support for COVID vaccines (albeit a rather tepid support) after disclosing he received a booster during his short-lived tour with Bill O'Reilly which earned him jeers much like when he expressed support for vaccines at a rally in Cullman, Alabama last August.  Alex Jones, Candace Owens, Wayne Allyn Root and Ali Alexander have all expressed dismay towards the former President and has been the subject of protests outside his properties.
At the risk of giving these folks too much credit by taking their stance they appear to make Trump look more measured and reasonable. I'm not sure if this is their objective. But at this point I am not convinced these folks are going to abandon Trump and I say so for two reasons.

First, these people firmly believe the election was stolen from Trump and believe he should be restored to the White House. 

Second, I cannot see any Republican challenging Trump on vaccines much less anything else nor do I see if any of the aforementioned figures rallying around anyone other than Trump. It is possible that a Republican could try to position himself or herself to the right of Trump on vaccines but Trump would direct his venom on them. Whatever differences these right-wing figures might have with Trump won't be sufficient to abandon him.

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