Friday, July 16, 2021

Oy Vey!!! 1 in 4 American Jews Think Israel is an Apartheid State

In a survey of 800 American Jewish voters conducted by the Jewish Electorate Institute, 25% of American Jews think Israel is an Apartheid state with 22% believing Israel has committed genocide against the Palestinians. If that wasn't bad enough these numbers rise to more than a third of Jewish voters under the age of 40.

Oy vey!!!

So at least 1 out of 4 American Jews have no concept of either Apartheid and nearly 1 out of 4 American Jews have no concept of genocide. Last I checked, the balance of power in Israel's new government is held by a Palestinian Muslim Arab. I don't recall a black person having the right to vote much less holding the balance of power in Apartheid era South Africa. And if there is anyone who has genocidal intentions it is the Palestinians. Last I checked, Hamas' aim and objective is the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. 

I am particularly concerned about younger American Jews. How do they come to these opinions? Their parents? Their teachers? The media? Or is it simply accepting things at face value? Whatever the case, young Jews were not in abundance at last week's #NoHate rally in response to the recent surge in physical attacks against Jews

My mother tells me that Jews have survived worse up to and including the Holocaust. But if this becomes the prevailing view among American Jews by 2030 I don't think it is going to bode well because those who hate us will smell blood in the water, proceed to shed it with impunity and then blast Jews for having the temerity to bleed. 

Unless Democrats are prepared to cast out the likes of Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, AOC, Cori Bush, Jamaal Bowman for their anti-Semitism this is the fate to which we can look forward. Sadly they are on the rise and a critical mass of progressive Jews are helping them rise while being unable to see their own fall.

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