Thursday, June 1, 2017

If Trump Can Withdraw From The Paris Agreement Then Why Not The Iran Nuclear Deal?

I have a different take on President Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement than most.

First, the left-wing alarmists are proclaiming that the sky is falling. But the Paris Agreement is strictly voluntary and without enforcement mechanisms. Why would environmentalists support it is beyond me. It is not a formal treaty.

Which brings me to my second point. The Iran nuclear deal is also not a formal treaty. The Senate did not ratify the Iran nuclear deal as such anymore than it did the Paris Agreement. Both of them are nothing more than non-binding executive agreements. So why did Trump jettison the Paris Agreement and not the Iran nuclear deal? After all, for all of the Paris Agreement's shortcomings, it would not result in the building of an arsenal of nuclear weapons.

Don't get me wrong. I don't oppose Trump's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. I just think withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal is the greater priority of the two. The Trump Administration has criticized both the deal and the Iranian regime. But why is the Trump Administration content to criticize the deal and the regime when it can put an end to it tomorrow? Instead, it is content to review it. Which is basically a diplomatic way of saying it isn't going anywhere.

Like Trump himself, his policies have neither coherence or consistency. By not withdrawing from the Iran nuclear deal, the Trump Administration is risking Israel's existence, guaranteeing Iranian hegemony in the Middle East and its place as the world's number one sponsor of terrorism.

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