Thursday, August 8, 2024

Methinks Palestinian Protesters Are Beginning to Piss Off Kamala Harris

I have been critical of Vice-President Harris when she has been confronted by protesters who accuse Israel of genocide.

Last night, Harris was confronted yet again by pro-Hamas supporters during a rally in Detroit - the same city where she was heckled two months ago. They chanted, "Kamala, Kamala, you can’t hide! We won’t vote for genocide.”

At first, Harris was cordial as she has been in the past telling the hecklers, “I’m here because I believe in democracy. I believe everyone’s voice matters. But I’m speaking now. I am speaking now."

However, this did not dissuade them. At which point, Harris took off the gloves. "You know what? If you want Donald Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I'm speaking."

Following the rally, the pro-Hamas Uncommitted National Movement claimed that Harris had agreed to meet with them and was open to imposing an arms embargo upon Israel. However, Harris' national security adviser Phil Gordon emphatically stated that the Vice-President opposes any arms embargo against Israel

Despite her statements in support of the Palestinians, Harris cannot be pleased with their attempts to drown out her speech and then misrepresent her point of view. Methinks Palestinian protesters are beginning to piss off Kamala Harris and if this escalates during the DNC later this month, they will irrevocably alienate not the Vice-President but large swathes of Democratic Party activists who want to hear Harris speak rather hear her be accused of genocide. 

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