Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Cori Bush Claims She Has Been Radicalized & Vows to Tear Down AIPAC


Soon to be former Congresswoman Cori Bush did not take losing last night's Democratic primary to Wesley Bell in Missouri's 1st Congressional District with quiet grace and dignity:

Because now, there are some strings that I have attached. And as much as I love my job, all they did was radicalize me, and now they should be afraid.

They’re about to see this other Cori, this other side. There is nothing that happens in my life that happens in vain. So, this happened because it was meant to happen. And let me say, it’s because of the work that I need to do. 

And let me say this: AIPAC, I’m coming to tear your kingdom down!

With that, Cori Bush reminded St. Louis area Democrats why they voted her out. She's intemperate lunatic who is claiming to be radicalized, telling people they need to be afraid and that she is out to destroy AIPAC. Would anyone be shocked if Bush saw fit to engage in violence against Jews?  

Bush's squad ally AOC chimed in, "I think we need to have a real conversation about the AIPAC."

No, we need to have a real conversation about why a significant segment of the Democratic Party hates Jews, seeks the destruction of Israel and will not call Hamas a terrorist organization.

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