Wednesday, August 21, 2024

There's Nothing Phony About Tim Walz


After watching Tim Walz's VP nominee acceptance speech at the DNC this evening, it is very clear why he made such an impression on Kamala Harris.

Walz kept things short and sweet. His speech was an economical 15 minutes in length. This is a man used to giving both lessons and pep talks and by the end of his remarks, I wanted to run through a wall for Walz. 

When J.D. Vance made his VP nominee acceptance speech at the RNC last month, he came across as a phony. In the weeks which have followed, Vance has also come across as a jerk

By contrast, there is nothing phony about Tim Walz. Unlike Vance, Walz has taken a page from Dale Carnegie's book and knows how to win friends and influence people. Despite his background as a venture capitalist, Vance is not rich when it comes to appealing to people and bringing our their best.

I have a funny feeling that Walz is going to help a lot of Republicans and Republican leaning voters feel a lot more comfortable about casting a ballot for Kamala Harris.

A couple of weeks ago, I thought Harris would have been better off with Josh Shapiro instead of Tim Walz. While Shapiro brings a lot to the table, I don't hold that opinion now. Not after tonight.

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