Saturday, February 11, 2023

Barcelona Mayor Suspends Ties With Tel Aviv Over Human Rights But is Fine With St. Petersburg, Shanghai, Havana & Gaza City

Ada Colau, the left-wing mayor of Barcelona, announced this week that the city would be suspending its sister city relationship with Tel Aviv due to Israel's alleged "systematic violation of human rights of the Palestinian population." 

While Colau insists her decision has nothing to do with "the whole of the Jewish population and its culture", it is very hard to take this claim seriously when Barcelona is also sister cities with Saint Petersburg, Shanghai, Gaza City and Havana

I would love to hear Colau tell us why she believes Russia's invasion of Ukraine is less egregious than Israel's alleged mistreatment of Palestinians. 

I would love to hear Colau tell us why she believes China's subjugation of Uyghur Muslims doesn't rise to the level of Israel's alleged mistreatment of Palestinians. 

I would love to hear Colau tell us why she believes Cuba sentencing peaceful protesters to sentences of up to 25 years in prison is less appalling than Israel's alleged mistreatment of Palestinians. 

I would love to hear Colau tell us why she believes Hamas' state sanctioned executions of LGBT community members in Gaza isn't a systematic violation of human rights of the Palestinian population.

But we will not hear any such explanations from Colau because there is no explanation she could possibly give. That Colau sees fit to sever ties with a city in Israel over human rights while turning a blind eye to human rights violations in Russia, China, Cuba and in Gaza itself can only mean one thing. Notwithstanding her claims to the contrary, Colau's decision is motivated by hatred and malice towards Jews. In short, Colau is guilty of anti-Semitism.

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