Sunday, November 20, 2022

On President Biden's 80th Birthday

Today, President Joe Biden is 80 years old.

Much has been made of Biden's age by purported allies and foes alike. When Biden's Democratic presidential rivals, particularly Eric Swalwell, took aim at his age in 2019 it made them look small.

For me I live by Satchel Paige's old adage. "Age is a question of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."

The question is remains is if other Democrats don't mind and if voters at large don't mind.

Let me put it this way. At 76, Donald Trump isn't exactly a spring chicken himself.

If people honestly don't believe that someone over the age of 75 should serve as President of the United States then propose a constitutional amendment. 

From where I sit President Biden has a strong constitution and command of the tasks before him. Stimulus checks, funding for vaccine distribution, infrastructure spending, increased access to health care, allowing Medicare to negotiate drug prices, climate change provisions and student loan relief (notwithstanding present judicial challenges) cannot be implemented with a weak constitution. 

If Democrats want someone else they better be damn sure they're going to win because otherwise we could end up with four more years of Trump or perhaps Ron DeSantis. 

With that I hope President Biden's 80th birthday was full of joy and merriment.

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