Monday, September 9, 2019

The Left Derives Pleasure From Sarah Palin's Divorce

As soon as news broke that Todd Palin had filed for divorce from former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, left-wing Twitter couldn't contain its glee.

Charlotte Clymer: "I hope Sarah Palin can see a prenup from her house."

Alex Cole: "Sarah Palin never hesitated telling others how they should live, now look at her. Can't keep her own family together. Conservatives are fucking hypocrites! Family values, my ass. Preaching is so much easier than actually practicing them."

Mrs. Betty Bowers: "Hark! Someone who routinely scolds you about your lack of Christian values is flipping off Jesus again. Sarah Palin is getting a D-I-V-O-R-C-E, something Jesus forbade. Matthew 5:32."

Criticize Palin for her policies, her actual words and her judgment. There is plenty of fertile ground there. But this is such rubbish. Sarah Palin has never told others how to live or scolded anyone for lacking Christian values - ever. I would also note that Mr. Palin filed for divorce, not Mrs. Palin. We don't know the reasons for their divorce and we don't need to know. In the unlikely event the Obamas were ever to divorce these same people would demand we give them privacy. I certainly don't recall Republicans criticizing Al & Tipper Gore when they ended their marriage.

I can't say this enough. As much as I can't stand Trump it's garbage like this that turns me off from re-embracing The Left.

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