Sunday, May 13, 2018

Trump: When a Bad Man Makes Good Decisions

As much as I dislike President Trump there are times when he will make a good decision. Two decisions which immediately come to mind are his decision last week to end U.S. involvement in the Iran nuclear deal as well as his decision back in February to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The ceremony for this decision occurs tomorrow.

Where it concerns Israel and Iran, Trump is miles ahead of Barack Obama. Normally decisions like this would motivate me to vote for such a man. But despite these decisions, Trump is still a bad man.

He is still the man who said John McCain wasn't a war hero because he was a POW.

He is still the man who said Gonzalo Curriel couldn't preside over the Trump University case because he is a Mexican.

He is still the man who mocked Serge Kovaleski for his disability.

He is still the man who boasted about grabbing women by their pussies.

He is still the man who lied about thousands of Muslims cheering the 9/11 attacks.

He is still the man who said he didn't want immigrants from "shithole countries."

He is also still the man who has engaged in an unnecessary Muslim travel ban, initiated unnecessary trade wars and doesn't surround himself with the best people.

Being Donald Trump means never having to say sorry or make amends. And why would he? None of this stopped him from getting to the White House and it will probably keep him there.

There is no doubt that U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal and the presence of the U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem are consequential decisions which will outlive Trump's presidency. But so long as Trump's boorish behavior and lack of character remain his stock and trade in the White House, I cannot in good conscience see fit to support him in any way notwithstanding any occasional good decisions he might make along the way.

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