Saturday, April 14, 2018

Mission Accomplished?

Following last night's military strike with the U.K. and France against Syria, President Trump declared:

A perfectly executed strike last night. Thank you to France and the United Kingdom for their wisdom and the power of their fine Military. Could not have had a better result. Mission Accomplished!

Well, I suppose we can be grateful that Trump didn't wear an air force jumpsuit.

I guess this means it is over for now. Over until Assad decides to use chemical weapons against his own people again. At which point, Trump will order a strike either through unilateral or multilateral force.

My guess is that as long as Assad believes he will not be ousted from office that he will continue to launch chemical weapons attacks with the full expectation of U.S. retaliation. If Assad is prepared to kill his own people then he isn't going to care if other countries do the same. Assad is 52 years old and President for Life. Donald Trump cannot say the same. Assad will bide his time until Trump leaves office whether that is in 2021 or in 2025. Unless Trump is prepared to oust him, Assad can wait for a new U.S. President who might very well be more squeamish about the use of military power. And the President after that and the President after that. 

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