Friday, March 31, 2017

The Trump University Settlement is a Reminder That Our President is a Fraud

Today, the $25 million settlement in the Trump University case was finalized by Judge Gonzalo Curiel.

Of course, Trump's cruel and racist treatment of Curiel during the election campaign was among the ten reasons which made it too unbearable to vote for the Republican standard bearer. That Trump settled the case less than two weeks after his election only increased my contempt for him.

However, I would like to turn my attention the student body of Trump University. Those who enrolled into Trump University were swayed by Trump's promises. "I can turn anyone into a successful real estate investor, including you," said the future President in a Trump University infomercial. All things considered it's not all that different than when Trump started telling voters, "We will have so much winning if I get elected that you may get bored with winning." In a sense, the 2016 election was a large scale version of Trump University. It didn't cost anything to vote for Trump, but we are now paying dearly and we have only just begun.

I know Trump has only been office for 70 days, but I am not seeing much winning. Certainly not enough to get bored with it. Trump might have thought he could easily win the case, but the Trump University settlement should be a reminder to all of us that our President is a fraud. Well, at least Trump University students are getting their money back. The same cannot be said of the American voter. Our only recourse is not in the courtroom but rather at the ballot box. But 2020 seems so very distant.

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