Friday, March 31, 2017

Flynn's Pursuit of Immunity is a Reminder That Trump Doesn't Pick The Best People

The fact that former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn is seeking immunity with regards to Congress' investigation into Russian involvement in the 2016 election should demonstrate to all of us that President Trump doesn't pick the best people. This is only reinforced by Trump's tweet encouraging Flynn to pursue immunity.

Yes, President Trump did appoint Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court and picked Nikki Haley to be our Ambassador to the UN. But we've also ended up with Rex Tillerson, Steve Bannon, Sean Spicer and Andrew Puzder before he had the good sense to withdraw his name from consideration. Batting 2 for 6 is not much better than his present approval rating.

Of course, a similar criticism can be leveled at President Obama. After all, Obama did appoint Flynn to head up the Defense Intelligence Agency towards the end of his first term. But Flynn fell out with Obama and is associated with Trump in such a way that it overshadows his association with the 44th President. Flynn joined Trump at the hip the moment he led the Republican National Convention in chants of "Lock Her Up."

There are those who are downplaying the significance of Flynn seeking immunity. But as Flynn himself put it just over six months ago,“When you are given immunity, that means that you probably have committed a crime.” Well, if the shoe fits.

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