Saturday, November 26, 2016

Romney Stands Nothing to Gain By Apologizing to Trump

Team Trump is demanding that Mitt Romney publicly apologize and repudiate his criticism of President-Elect Donald Trump as a precondition of being appointed as Secretary of State.

Mitt Romney stands nothing to gain by apologizing to Trump.

It says a lot about Trump's character (or lack thereof) that he is demanding Romney publicly humiliate himself. I don't recall Barack Obama demanding Hillary Clinton publicly apologize for the things she said about him during the 2008 campaign.

Even if Romney does apologize there is no guarantee that Trump will actually give him the job. It is not inconceivable that Trump would make Romney goes through these motions for nothing. This is Trump's standard operating procedure.

But if Trump were to appoint Romney as Secretary of State one has to wonder how much influence he would actually given this precondition. Who can say Trump wouldn't throw Romney under the bus as he has with Chris Christie?

Mitt Romney should not sully himself by associating with the likes of Trump. Under the circumstances, Romney should withdraw his name from consideration for Secretary of State or any other position in a Trump Administration.

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