Sunday, March 26, 2023

Hate at Harvard: The Anti-Semitic BDS Movement Rears Its Ugly Head Again


I was walking through Harvard Yard this afternoon and saw that anti-Semitism is alive and well at Harvard with a wall on display promoting the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement. 

The aim and objective of BDS is a) demand the return of "all Arab lands" and b) allow the return of all Palestinian refugees. It must be remembered that Palestinian refugees are a different class of refugees that any other refugee in the world. If a Palestinian is a descendant of someone who was displaced following the formation of Israel in 1948 they too are a refugee even if they were born and raised in the United States and got elected to Congress (i.e. Rashida Tlaib).

Naturally, Israel is not about to roll over and play dead. The aims and objectives of BDS cannot be realized without murdering Jews - including Jews who do not live in Israel. Let us not forget that in Boston, BDS is a vocal supporter of The Mapping Project which maps out the addresses of Jewish institutions and organizations with the aim and objective of "disrupting" and #dismantling" these institutions and organizations. This disruption and dismantling can only be achieved by violence. 

Thus BDS is an inherently anti-Semitic project. Frankly, Harvard shouldn't have this disgusting display anymore than a display of swastikas with signs declaring, "Work shall make you free." Alas, last year the Harvard Crimson gave a full-throated endorsement of the BDS movement. I hope the Harvard Crimson is proud of its endorsement because should violence is visited upon Jewish institutions and organizations in the Boston area then they will have crimson on their hands. 

Sadly, anti-Semitism has been socially acceptable if it dressed up in the language of progressivism. Indeed, the aforementioned Congresswoman Tlaib has declared one cannot be a progressive if one supports Israel. This is the very corruption of progressivism. Harvard has participated in this corruption by legitimizing anti-Semitic hatred.

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