Sunday, February 28, 2021

Let Us Be Grateful There is No Cult of Biden

When I saw the golden statue of former President Donald Trump at CPAC in Orlando, it reminded me of two things.

First, it reminds me that conservatives still worship at the altar of Trump. This is unchanged from 2016.

Second, it reminds me how grateful we should be there is no cult of Biden. This as much as anything else is why Trump cannot accept that he lost to Biden. He lost to a man who does not measure value by the size of his audience or how tall his buildings are. 

Biden has never had a cult following nor would he want one. AOC said his candidacy didn't "animate" her. To the extent Biden did animate Democratic activists their response was derision and disdain. I remember how lustily Biden was booed when I watched the Democratic debates with NYU students in September 2019.

Biden had to overcome skepticism. He managed to do so with a combination of compassion and competence while emphasizing modesty over Messianism. As syndicated columnist Steven Chapman put it, "Americans voted for him because he was a serviceable replacement for the incompetent, incorrigible incumbent. Biden makes poor material for a cult of personality."

Biden might make poor material for a cult of personality. However, he might have just the right material to be a compassionate and competent President of the United States.

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