Monday, January 8, 2018

Trump vs. Oprah in 2020 is More Depressing Than Trump vs. Hillary in 2016

Oprah Winfrey makes a speech and now the mainstream media wants her to run for President.

Haven't we been all through all of this before? I guess its impossible to tell the difference between the 2018 Golden Globes and the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

As much I loathe President Trump, the prospect of a Trump vs. Oprah race in 2020 doesn't exactly fill me with joy either. In fact, I find it more even more depressing than Trump vs. Hillary in 2016.

I first became aware of both Trump and Oprah in 1986. Both struck me as self promoters and that impression has remained for more than three decades. Oprah might not be so uncouth in her presentation, but her charitable endeavors seemed to be more about her than anyone she might actually help. Charitable giving ought to be done behind the scenes, not for one's own glory. I did find it telling that she shuttered her charitable foundation after The Oprah Winfrey Show went off the air in 2011.

From where I sit, Trump and Oprah (and for that matter Barack Obama) are nothing more than cults of personality who invoke idol worship. Should we have a Trump vs. Oprah match up in 2020 then we will have two presidential candidates who launched magazines bearing their names. Trump and Oprah represent nothing more than a choice between Coke and Pepsi or McDonald's and Burger King and once you get past the packaging, both taste the same. In which case, I'll settle for water and ramen noodles.

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