Thursday, December 22, 2016

Accosting Ivanka & Her Kids on an Airplane Is The Wrong Way to Protest a Trump Presidency

What the hell is wrong with people?

While I am dreading a Trump presidency, it's hard to think of anything more foolish than walking up to Ivanka Trump on a commercial airliner and berating her in front of her kids.

I am not related to Daniel Goldstein, but today he has given Goldsteins everywhere a bad name.

This now deleted tweet from his husband Matthew Lasner doesn't help matters either. "Ivanka and Jared at JFK T5, flying commercial. My husband chasing them down to harass them. #banalityofevil."

Aside from being boorish what does that gain the anti-Trump movement? A big fat zero. Ivanka Trump generally comes across as a reasonable and sympathetic figure. She will now be perceived as an even more reasonable and sympathetic figure protecting her kids from a deranged buffoon.

Now it's true that Ivanka will play a major role in her father's administration. There will be occasions when she will speak on her father's behalf. If she were to make an appearance at a university, convention center or any other public forum then there is nothing wrong with peacefully gathering to protest her appearance and express displeasure with Trump Administration policies. But this is even dumber than blocking highways. When one protests the President or anyone who serves him one of the aims of the protest should be to bring about public sympathy for those who are airing their grievances. That did not happen today.

Indeed, this is one of the reasons I haven't seen fit to attend any Trump protests. While I share their disdain for Trump, I don't agree with most of their political positions but I also object to the manner in which they disagree with Trump. If this is how anti-Trump people plan to behave going forward then count me out.

But more importantly, the more The Left behaves in this manner the more likely Donald Trump is re-elected in 2020.

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