Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Why is Colin Powell Voting For The Candidate Who "Screws Up Everything"?

I suppose we shouldn't be that surprised that Colin Powell is voting for Hillary Clinton. After all, he did vote for Barack Obama twice and, frankly, after the War in Iraq became such a clusterfuck I wouldn't be surprised to learn he voted for John Kerry in 2004 notwithstanding his role as George W. Bush's Secretary of State. Powell might be a registered Republican, but he is for all intents and purposes a RINO.

Yet you would think that Hillary's efforts to take Powell down during her talk with the FBI might have given him pause. As I argued a couple of months ago (in what proved to be my very last post for The American Spectator) voting for Obama twice didn't get Powell very far with Hillary. When his leaked e-mails regarding the election came out a little over a month ago one would have thought he was sitting this election out or writing in a candidate - possibly himself. If nothing else Powell's e-mails reflect our national disgust with both candidates.

Now I agree with Powell's assessment of Trump as "a national disgrace and an international pariah". But that isn't sufficient grounds for me to fill in a black dot for Hillary? So why is Powell with her? Is it because she is the Devil he knows? If that's the case that Devil tried to do him in and would do so again in a heartbeat. So why reward such bad behavior? After all isn't this the same woman of whom Powell wrote "screws up everything"?

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