Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Thoughts on Former President Carter Turning 100

Today marks former President Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday

Carter becomes the first U.S. President to live that long.

It is remarkable that he has come this far given what he has gone through over the past decade. 

Carter was diagnosed with liver and brain cancer in 2015 and survived it.

Carter sustained injuries from several falls in his home in 2019 and survived it.

Carter has been in hospice care since February 2023 and has survived it up to and including the death of former First Lady Rosalynn Carter in November 2023 to whom he was married for 77 years. 

However, frail Carter's body has become, his spirit and his will are still strong.

He is determined to live long enough to cast an absentee ballot for Kamala Harris.

Given the fact that former President Trump, rather than congratulate Carter on his birthday, speaks of him as “the happiest man because Carter is considered a brilliant president by comparison" to President Biden.

A small statement from a small man with small hands.

While I have my share of disagreements with the 39th President, I admire Jimmy Carter for his strong constitution which is far more than what I can say about Trump.

I can only hope Carter lives long enough not only to vote for Kamala Harris, but to see her inaugurated.

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