Friday, February 7, 2020

Joe Walsh Ends GOP Presidential Bid

After receiving only 1.1% of the vote in the Iowa Republican caucus (as compared to 97.1% for President Trump), Joe Walsh announced today he is ending his quixotic challenge for the GOP nomination. When Walsh announced his entry back in August, I reacted in this manner:

Bravo!!! Three cheers!!!

Of course, he will be even more despised by Trump supporters
while many on The Left views him as no different than Trump. The former is understandable, the latter is not. If you're a Democrat or a socialist, you don't have to like Walsh. But they must understand that Walsh's presence in the Republican primary will harm Trump. Even if Walsh doesn't defeat Trump, he can harm him enough to lose the general election. The Left would be wise to sit back and enjoy the fight and worry about the quality of their own candidates.

Should Walsh (who follows me on Twitter) still be on the ballot by the time of the New York Primary (whenever that might be scheduled) then I shall cast a ballot for him.

I still applaud Walsh for undertaking the challenge. Yet needless to say my optimism was undue. I failed to take into account how various state Republican parties would simply cancel their primaries and caucuses thus preempting any challenge to Trump. But Walsh was on the ballot in Iowa and, well, Republicans have made their position loud and clear.

Former Massachusetts Governor William Weld fared marginally better with 1.3% and actually earned a delegate. I expect him to do better in New Hampshire on Tuesday. But when better is 2% there's little sign of discontent. Republicans have got the man they want.

The same cannot be said of Democrats who are unable to declare a winner in Iowa although Pete Buttigieg and Bernie Sanders each earned 11 delegates.

As for Walsh, I guess he'll go back to talk radio, but what conservative network would want him? Perhaps a book or a show on CNN or MSNBC is in order. Meanwhile, barring a miracle or two, President Trump is well on his way to a second term.

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