Friday, December 6, 2019

Whatever You Do Please Don't Call Cory Booker Well Spoken

Former New York City Mayor and 2020 presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg has expressed "regret" for referring to rival presidential aspirant and former Newark Mayor Cory Booker as "well spoken". Booker claimed he was "taken aback" by Bloomberg's compliment. Here is exactly what Bloomberg said about Booker in an interview with the CBS Morning News:

Cory Booker endorsed me a number of times. And I endorsed Cory Booker a number of times. He's very well-spoken. He's got some good ideas. It would be better the more diverse any group is.

Good Lord!!!

Next thing you know there will be a lynch mob organized because Bloomberg said Booker had good ideas.

This is nothing more than sheer desperation on the part of Booker. His campaign is flailing and he is desperate to get on the debate stage. So when in doubt play the race card. Booker's claims of being taken aback are completely disingenuous. But Booker is running for President and if assassinating a man's character is what it takes to get there then so be it.

Let me try to inject some reason here. Pete Buttigieg has been described as "well-spoken". By this logic, if referring to a black man as well spoken is racist then is referring to a gay man as well spoken homophobic?

When it is all said and done the big winner here is President Trump because he can point to a Democratic Party overcome by political correctness, identity politics and a culture where activists make accusations of racism or at the very least racial insensitivity as instinctively is breathing, eating and sleeping. So whatever you do please don't call Cory Booker well spoken or dare pay him any other compliment. If Democrats insist on mass marketing this formula then they will guarantee Trump's re-election, impeachment or no impeachment.

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