Saturday, December 28, 2019

Five Jews Stabbed at Rabbi's Home in Monsey, NY

Less than 72 hours ago, I wrote about how New York City has become increasingly unsafe for Jews as well as the escalation of these attacks since Chanukah began.

On Saturday night, an attack occurred at the home of a rabbi in Monsey, New York, a predominantly Orthodox Jewish hamlet about 35 miles north of New York City. An assailant entered the rabbi's home as the Menorah was about to be lit and stabbed five Jews with a machete. As of this writing there have been no fatalities and the assailant is in custody but has not been identified.

With only a few days remaining in 2019, I strongly suspect that these anti-Semitic attacks are but the tip of the iceberg. They will escalate and become more brazen in 2020 with many fatalities accompanied by dithering and hand-wringing followed by the mainstream social acceptance of anti-Semitism. I wish I could be more optimistic but every fiber of my being believes otherwise.

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