Thursday, August 15, 2019

Will Joe Walsh Challenge Trump in a GOP Primary If No Other Conservative Republican Is Willing?

Former Illinois Republican Congressman and conservative talk radio host Joe Walsh has been one of President Trump's fiercest critics. Yesterday, Walsh penned an op-ed for The New York Times calling for Trump to have a GOP primary challenger from the right:

Yes, William Weld, the former Massachusetts governor, is challenging Mr. Trump from the center. But the president is more vulnerable to a challenge from the right. I’m on the right, and I’m hugely disappointed that challenge hasn’t yet materialized.

Mr. Trump’s most vulnerable against a challenger who’d make the case for strong borders — instead of warning of “invaders,” dragging us down, turning neighbor against neighbor. A majority of Americans want fixes to our most basic problems.

We need someone who could stand up, look the president in the eye and say: “Enough, sir. We’ve had enough of your indecency. We’ve had enough of your lies, your bullying, your cruelty, enough of your insults, your daily drama, your incitement, enough of the danger you place this country in every single day. We don’t want any of this anymore, and the country certainly can’t stand four more years of it.”

But what if no Republican is willing to step up and challenge Trump from the right?

I pose this question because the Republican Party at large seems quite happy with President Trump's indecency, lies, bullying, cruelty, insults, daily drama, incitement and danger. And those not happy with it have no qualms about turning a blind eye when faced with the consequences of speaking out. By Walsh's own admission, "They're scared to death ... Most of my former colleagues keep they're mouths shut because they don't what to piss off the president."

If no Republican from the right is willing to challenge then one must ask if Walsh would put his talk radio career on hold and step up to the plate?

In other words would Walsh walk the walk and not just talk the talk?

Because if not him then whom.

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