Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Suddenly Trump Supporters Hate Leakers

It is utterly fascinating to see Trump supporters suddenly hate leakers. A few months ago, Trump supporters absolutely loved Wikileaks when they were dumping dirt on Hillary Clinton. But now that leakers have cost Michael Flynn his job as National Security Adviser now they must be prosecuted.

Look I could care less about Hillary Clinton (or for that matter Wikileaks). But let's be honest. Had Hillary Clinton been elected President and her NSA had acted as Flynn had, the Breitbart crowd would have gone ballistic.

Trump supporters are perfectly fine with leaking so long as the leaking isn't done against Trump. Don't forget before Julian Assange set his sites on Hillary Clinton, Trump thought he should be executed. Should Assange turn his fire on Trump there's no doubt the President and his supporters will once again declare Wikileaks be put out of business.

1 comment:

  1. Whatever happened to candidate Trump's "I Love WikiLeaks" meme?
    Did it go the way of "Lock Her Up"?
