Monday, February 6, 2017

President Reagan Would Have Never Said, "We've Got a Lot of Killers."

Today marks the 106th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth. In thinking of our 40th President, I cannot help but contrast him with our 45th President.

Can anyone honestly imagine President Reagan defending human rights abuses by the Soviet Union?

Can anyone honestly imagine President Reagan defending Vladimir Putin?

Can anyone honestly being asked a question about human rights in the Soviet Union and telling an interviewer, "We've got a lot of killers. What, do you think our country is so innocent?"

The answer to all three questions is the same.

The fact that President Trump would answer all three questions differently tells us not only that the Republican Party has changed but that conservatism in the 21st Century no longer stands for American exceptionalism and liberty.

If Ronald Reagan were alive today I can't help but think that he might tell us, "I didn't move away from the Republican Party. The Republican Party moved away from me."

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