Friday, October 18, 2019

So Obama Endorsed The Guy Who Wore Blackface

On Wednesday, former President Barack Obama took to Twitter to endorse the re-election of Justin Trudeau's Liberal government.

Obama tweeted, "I was proud to work with Justin Trudeau as President. He's a hard-working, effective leader who takes on big issues like climate change. The world needs his progressive leadership now, and I hope our neighbors to the north support him for another term."

So yes, Obama just endorsed the guy who wore blackface.

Let that sink in.

I know this is an overused cliché, but it is apt.

Obama claims that Trudeau takes on big issues like climate change. Trudeau takes it on by expanding oil pipelines.

Given the dubious basis of Obama's endorsement, the only reason I can think as to why Obama publicly endorsed Trudeau is because he thinks Trudeau is going to lose on Monday and so does Trudeau.
Perhaps J.J. McCullough of The Washington Post summed it up best when he lamented that Obama "has elected to shatter precedent and spend his considerable capital as a statesman on a cause as frivolous as Trudeau."

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