Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Trump Supporters Use "Obama Did It" Defense For Tear Gas Use on Children

I find it rather curious that Trump supporters are defending the use of tear gas against migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border along San Diego and Tijuana because it was done during the Obama Administration back in 2013.

If conservatives believe the Obama Administration was correct in using tear gas along the border then why didn't we hear conservatives defending them at the time? Of course, conservatives were drawn to Trump because he wanted "to build a big beautiful wall" and have Mexico pay for it all the while calling Mexicans criminals and rapists.

Now I understand that Trump supporters think there is a double standard here and there is to some degree. But Trump has spent the past three years vilifying people of Mexican and Latin American origin and spent the weeks leading up to the mid-terms ranting and raving about the migrant caravan and placed a video on his Twitter feed highlighting an illegal immigrant who bragged about committing murder even though he had been previously released by former Maricopa County Sherriff Joe Arpaio. For all of Obama's numerous flaws and shortcomings, he never publicly denigrated people of Hispanic origin whether they entered the country legally or not.

Now I don't think the Obama Administration was anymore justified in using an agent outlawed in war against migrants anymore than the Trump Administration is. But for all of the claims regarding the Obama Administration's use of tear gas against migrants there is no evidence to suggest that it was deployed against children. This makes a huge difference. Because now President Trump is grasping at straws with claims that the gas used is "very safe" and that migrants were grabbing random children while crossing the border.

Make no mistake. The Trump Administration sought this confrontation and is now reaping what it was sowed.

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