Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Some Cynical Thoughts About Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Before I am awash in cynicism, let me begin by stating what Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez did in last night's Democratic primary in New York's 14th Congressional District is remarkable. No one, and I mean no one, envisioned the possibility of her unseating Joe Crowley, one of the most powerful Democrats in D.C. who was touted as a possible successor to Nancy Pelosi. It is a remarkable achievement particularly for a 28-year old woman of Latina heritage.

Now here comes the cynicism. Consider this passage from her campaign video posted above:

But after 20 years of the same representation, we have to ask: who has New York been changing for? Everyday is getting harder for working families like mine to get by. The rent gets higher, health care covers less and our income stays the same.

Let's say that Ocasio-Cortez is elected to Congress for ten straight terms. I submit to you that in June 2038 that everyday will get harder for working families in the Bronx and in Queens to get by, the rent will get higher, health care will cover less, incomes will stay the same but Ocasio-Cortez will be doing just fine for herself.

Of course this criticism could be leveled at anyone running for Congress or any other office anywhere in the country. But anyone who promises my life is going to get easier if I elect them to office I am staying as far away as possible, be they Democrat, Republican or anywhere in between or beyond. No Congressman is going to stop my rent from increasing, stop my health care from decreasing or give me a raise at work. It's not going to happen. That's not the way the world works.

Now her aim was directed Crowley for a portion of the Bronx and Queens. But let's remember who was President for 8 of the past 20 years. It's President Obama who has a lot to do with the fact that our health care is covering less. It was President Obama who said if we liked our health care, we could keep it. No we couldn't. So why should I believe Ocasio-Cortez anymore than I should believe Obama.

It also doesn't inspire confidence that she might be to the Left of Jeremy Corbyn on Israel falsely accusing Israel of committing "a massacre" in Gaza last May. Trump's only redeeming policy value has been Israel. Unfortunately, as long as this is the case, The Left is going to become more and more anti-Israel.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will most likely make history as a youngest woman ever elected to Congress. But other than advancing her own career don't expect her to do much else.

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