Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Streisand Blames Trump For Parkland Shooting

President Trump says and does a lot of stupid things as was the case when he suggested he would have confronted the shooter in Parkland, Florida even if he wasn't armed.

But it's hard for me to support the so-called Resistance when they say things that are equally stupid, if not stupider.

In an interview with Variety, Streisand blamed Trump for the February 14th shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School stating, “I think even that shooter was affected because Trump brings out the violence in people. He says, ‘It’s OK — rally, lock her up.’”

You can blame Trump for many things, but this isn't one of them. The shooter was messed up before Trump was elected President having been the subject of numerous calls to the authorities. Does Streisand honestly think this wouldn't have happened had Hillary Clinton been elected President? Who was in the White House when Columbine happened? Her friends the Clintons. Are they to blame for Columbine? No. The mass shootings at Fort Hood, Tuscon, Sandy Hook, Aurora, Colorado, Oak Creek, Wisconsin, San Bernardino and Orlando all occurred while President Obama was in office. Is Obama to blame? Again, no.

The problem here has nothing to do with who is President of the United States. Rather it has everything to do with our inability to deal with mentally ill people who threaten to commit deadly violence. Then again it's easier for Streisand to blame Trump for the deaths of 17 people than it is for her to come up with a solution for dealing with people who shoot up a high school in Parkland, Florida or stab a person to death at the public library in Winchester, Massachusetts.

President Trump certainly does more harm than good with his public statements during times of tragedy. Unfortunately, statements from self-righteous liberals like Barbra Streisand do every bit as much harm and don't augment the public discourse either. We have to be better than this and if we can't then God help us.

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