Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Conservatives Give Romney The Benedict Arnold Treatment For Voting to Impeach Trump

Utah Senator Mitt Romney was the lone Republican in the Senate to vote to impeach President Trump today.

Notwithstanding the fact Trump is going to be acquitted, conservatives vented their outrage towards the 2012 GOP presidential nominee by calling him "Benedict Romney" and "traitor" as per Matt Vespa at Townhall:

This is Trump’s party. Period. And it’s an election year. Get in line or get out of the way. So much for the “severely conservative” Mitt Romney. He’s been taken over by the pod people.

Full disclosure: I voted for Mitt Romney in 2012. He was the best person to beat Obama at the time. He was the GOP nominee. And now he screwed us royally. He deserves to be primaried and thrown into the trash. We need people who will be on the team that will keep the Great American Comeback going. And Mitt Romney decided to switch sides. So long, Benedict Romney.

Brigitte Gabriel (who I met more than 15 years ago at a pro-Israel rally at City Hall Plaza in Boston) seconds Vespa's motion tweeting, "Patriots!! We need to get trending!! Senator Romney is worse than a RINO, he’s a traitor to this nation!"

Last I checked being "a traitor to this nation" is an offense punishable by death. Voting to impeach a President for abusing his power is not an act of treason. On the contrary, Romney fulfilled his duties as a United States Senator instead of acting like an auxiliary of the White House.

Those who liken Romney to Benedict Arnold or call him a traitor for daring to cross President Trump no nothing of treason. Those who don't know the meaning of the term are the ones most likely to use it casually.

However, Vespa is right about one thing. The GOP is Trump's party and they brook no dissent. I found this out nearly three and a half years ago. When presented with the choice of getting in line of getting out of the way, I chose to leave and think on my own terms.

It isn't to say Romney is above criticism. I've criticized him plenty over the years as have many other conservatives and no one ever called them traitors. Why is it that Donald Trump and only Donald Trump is above any and all criticism up to and including breaking the law?

Whatever it is it is something of which I want no part. When it comes to voting to impeach President Trump, Mitt Romney has committed no treachery much less has anything for which to apologize. On this, Romney is more George Washington than Benedict Arnold.

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