Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Why I Don't Believe Elizabeth Warren's Claims Against Bernie Sanders

I did touch on this in my Des Moines Democratic debate post-mortem last night, but given all the attention this is getting I think it warrants further comment.

Let me begin by saying I'm not a fan of Bernie Sanders. That any Jew would allow the likes of  Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib and Linda Sarsour to be prominent campaign surrogates has done as much as to legitimize anti-Semitism as any public figure in this country. For this he has my contempt.

But when Bernie Sanders tells me its cloudy outside I know it's cloudy. He might tell me billionaires are responsible for it. But it will be cloudy. As such, I don't believe for a nanosecond that Bernie sanders told Elizabeth Warren a woman couldn't be elected President. There's video evidence from 1988 that demonstrates all evidence to the contrary. The best one can speculate is that Sanders didn't think Liz Warren could be elected President. That is quite different from claiming that no woman could ever be elected President.

Whatever the case, I believe Warren's claims about as much as I believe her claims that she is Cherokee. The fact this alleged conversation which purportedly took place in 2018 is coming to light now is awfully ripe. Warren's fundraising efforts had been flagging and she needed something to reignite her campaign. Well, consider things reignited, but will it burn her in the end? Perhaps not.

When Warren responded to Sanders' denial addressed the claim she was wildly cheered when she pointed she and Amy Klobuchar were the only ones on stage who hadn't lost an election. This leads me to believe there is a critical mass of the Democratic Party to whom it is more important there be a woman President than a President who happens to be a woman. They have long memories of Hillary Clinton winning the popular vote but unable the shatter the glass ceiling of the electoral college. So perhaps Warren will be rewarded for her lie. If that is the case then how are Democrats any different than Republicans who rewarded Trump for his lies?

Warren's claim last night on the debate that she's not here to fight Bernie is the height of dishonesty. She is the one who is defaming his character. As such she cannot have it both ways though this won't stop her from trying. Let's just saying Bernie and Warren have gone from hand shaking to hand wringing.

In the long run this is bound to help Joe Biden. By shooting herself in the foot while it was in her mouth, Warren has ruined any chance for so-called progressives to unite around her or unite around Sanders. But if this helps prevent a second term for Donald Trump then so much the better.

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