Monday, June 18, 2018

Does a Child Have to Die For Trump To Stop His Family Separation Policy at The Border?

Former First Lady Laura Bush was eloquent and powerful in her opposition to President Trump's policy of forcibly separating children from their migrant parents.

But President Trump will no more listen to the former First Lady than he would to any other member of the Bush family where it concerns immigration, illegal or otherwise.

After all, if Trump saw fit to call an American born federal judge "a Mexican" as a means to deny his humanity what chance does an innocent child who was born in the wrong country with the wrong skin color?

The only possible way the Trump Administration might put this policy on hold (unless compelled by a judge) would be if a migrant child were to die in federal custody. The uproar would be intense. Yet I believe Trump would be unmoved. After all, Trump and his ilk view Mexicans and people from other Latin American nations as subhuman. Tucker Carlson says those who object to Trump's policy "care more about foreigners than their own people". Others like Laura Ingraham minimize the conditions in which the children have been placed likening it to a summer camp. Well, in most other summer camps, children get to return home to their parents. Meanwhile, Ann Coulter goes into Alex Jones territory by claiming the kids are "child actors." Trump's sycophants and their followers love this shit. Unfortunately, it's the sort of thing that got Trump elected and will probably get him re-elected.

If a child were to die in federal custody, Trump and company would find a way to blame Democrats. If that fails (which it surely would), Trump will do some smoke and mirrors like he did with his Space Force today. Perhaps a new Middle East Peace Plan will be in the offing soon. If the Trump Administration can't direct attention elsewhere they will pray for some other event to push this off the front page (i.e. a mass shooting, a terrorist attack or a natural disaster) with the hope that his opponents turn their attention elsewhere.

But how can we look away from this montrosity?

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